Part 13
Every cult without exception denies the doctrine of salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. Although they may utilise concepts such as grace and faith, what is written outside the box is never what’s inside. In the world of cults, grace becomes synonymous with payment because when everything has been said and done, the cult member is working to earn salvation. At the very best Jesus died on the cross to give mankind the possibility of obtaining salvation. He has merely opened the narrow gate but now it’s left to those who would obtain it to labour. It is for this reason that whether Jehovah’s Witness or Seventh-day Adventist; whether Mormon or Roman Catholic, when the question is put to them; “If you die tonight, do you have 100% assurance that you are saved”? The answer that one will be met with again and again is; “I can’t say for sure, it’s up to God”. With this one simple question and the answer returned, the futility of the cult's works-based system of salvation is revealed for what it is, vanity of vanities!!
There is a world of difference between what the Bible teaches about how a man is saved, and what the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society teaches. In this final teaching part, these differences shall be discovered and the way of truth exposed.
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