Ephesians 4:31-32
So many in the earth begin life as bubbling happy youngsters, not a care in the world, unaware of the big bad world that they’re about to enter! Yet, by the time they’ve reached their 30’s and 40’s, that youthful optimism has pretty much been blown out of the water and aged cynicism has begun to set in. Naivety has given way to suspicion and by the time they reach their later years, full-blown pessimism has pretty much taken over every thought. As a Christian, I don’t ever want to become a cynic let alone a pessimist! Yet, as the years pass so also do the offences committed against us. The challenge facing every one of us as believers is to not allow our hearts to become hard so as to lose the tenderness.
This sermon digs into the Word of God and presents to the believer, the grace and power that is in Christ which allows us to overcome the sins of resentment, bitterness, and unforgiveness.
Joshua 6:1-2
When I think of the wasted hours spent deliberating and calculating, reasoning and second-guessing how God is going to do what He said He would do; it is of great grief. When everything has been said and done, what was it for? It was all for nothing! When God is going to something, He doesn’t need our advice or counsel; He doesn’t come knocking at our door for a plan of action! He will do what He will do, and the quicker that we settle that matter in our hearts is the more speedily one will come to enjoy the blessed rest that comes from simply trusting!!!
We need at times to be reminded of the facts—the world is His and the fulness thereof; the cattle on a thousand hills and every beast of the forest belongs to Him; what have we that He hath need of, or what can we give to Him that He does not already own? Oh God, forgive me for pigeonholing you into a tiny weeny space when your fulness fills the whole universe!! It’s not my business dear soul, and nor is it yours, to work out how God is going to do what He said He would do. That’s His business, and when we leave the matters of “how-to” for God “to do”, He’ll never cease to amaze us!!