Psalm 90:2
Men in this life, give themselves to the numbering of many things. The rich man numbers his pounds and the poor man his pennies; the farmer numbers his cattle and the shepherd numbers his sheep. Whatsoever is valuable to a man, that will he number so as not to allow so much as a crumb to fall to the ground in waste. As we begin not only a new year but a new decade, what have you made it a priority to number?
Time is of the essence and our lives are on countdown. Life is so short and eternity is but a breath away. As we move into this New Year, may the cry of our hearts be, teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts to wisdom.
Revelation 20:7-15
Upon the return of Jesus, His glorious appearing shall bring to an end this current Church age which has spanned the last two millennia, and a new age will begin, lasting for half that time. The question that we want to answer in part 31 is this; what happens after once the thousand years have come to their end? What we have recorded in the pages of Scripture is very brief, to say the least—much of it remains a mystery yet to be revealed at the Coming of our Lord. That said, a large portion of the little that we have been given is found in what now remains of the last three closing chapters of Revelation (ch. 20-22).
In this teaching, we explore two main themes, the Gog and Magog war followed by the great white throne judgment.