Proverbs 21:22
There are many names given to us in the Holy Scriptures to describe the enemy of our souls. Before ever Satan was revealed as a dragon, he was first revealed as a serpent. That’s why in Revelation 12:9 we read, “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him”. Note the title given to him by John, “that old serpent”. How old? As old as sin itself!! I don’t know how long the enemy planned and schemed the ruinous, murderous downfall of mankind, but within minutes, he had executed his plan to perfection!! How did he do it? As a dragon? That would have been too obvious!! So he came into the garden as a serpent. Hear the Word of God your hearts and take note!!
Part 2
As one traces the history of the beginnings of Jehovah’s Witnesses, two names are indispensable to the formation and development of this cult: Charles Taze Russell and his successor, Joseph Franklin Rutherford. In the 1830s, a Baptist minister from New York by the name of William Miller began sharing his new-found belief, that Jesus Christ was going to return around the year 1843. This belief began to gain momentum across denominations, and by 1840 it had become a nationwide campaign. This was the birth of what became known as Adventism and it was from this influence that the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society would emerge.
In this teaching, we examine the history of the Watch Tower cult from its beginnings until the present day. We review some of its teachings that have changed during this period and critique its peculiar version of the Bible, the New World Translation.
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The Sanctuary Conference 2024@Cloverley Hall
The Sanctuary Conference 2024@Cloverley Hall
The Sanctuary Conference 2024@Cloverley Hall
The Sanctuary Conference 2024@Cloverley Hall
The Sanctuary Conference 2024@Cloverley Hall
The Sanctuary Conference 2024@Cloverley Hall
The Sanctuary Conference 2024@Cloverley Hall
The Sanctuary Conference 2024@Cloverley Hall