Philippians 3:12-15
As each of you begins this New Year, I wonder this morning how much of 2023 you’ve allowed to stick? How much of last year has come across as unwanted baggage into this year? Do you know that for many a soul, their future has been mapped already for them by events that lie in the past? The child who all their life was told, you’ll amount to nothing finds that those wretched words follow them into adulthood!! The infant that falls from a tree and breaks a leg, in their later years rediscovers that old injury as it returns to bite with vengeance!! I’m no skeptic, but the facts on this one speak for themselves!! To a large extent tomorrow’s future is shaped by yesterday's past; this year by the years preceding it, Brethren, if we’re not careful, we can become victims of past failings, prisoners of yesterday’s woes — serving a sentence that we’ve allowed to be imposed upon us when the text of this Holy Book states that Christ came to set us free!
This sermon is a call to leave the past behind and to reach forward to those things that lie before!