Genesis 3:1-7
There seems to be within some sectors of the Christian Church, two opposing views when it comes to spiritual warfare. On one extreme there exists those who deny that there is such a devil at work in the earth today and on the other, those who blame the devil for absolutely everything! Surely the Bible presents a middle ground, not overstating his power whilst at the same time not minimising his potential influence in the life of the believer.
Through the account given of the fall of man, this message seeks to shed light on the nature of Satan and his approach in seeking to ensnare the souls of men. This sermon is a sober warning and a caution to Christians not to spend too long in talk with the devil for one does so to the peril of his own soul!!
Luke 8:7
Never in the history of mankind have we ever been able to achieve more in in a single 24 hour day than we do in the age in which we live. What previous generations would have taken a week to accomplish, we can accomplish in mere hours. Yet, though man has much time free, he has no time free, for the time he would have free he fills with the pursuit of obtaining more. With the more come much anxiety!!
Anxiety is a foe of any man but in particular it is a foe of the Christian which if embraced will render one’s life unfruitful and barren! This sermon looks at the parable of the sower and in particular the application of the parable as it relates the peril of anxiety. A strong exhortation is given via a very practical message that we as Christians might break through in the area of faith and prayer to lay hold on the peace of God in the midst of the temptation to worry.
Hebrews 12:1-13
Is there any among you that is without the pain and sorrow that accompany trials and afflictions? What is your response when such trials and afflictions come to press you out of measure? For many, their immediate response is why me? If God loves me, why would He allow such affliction to come into my life? Oh! Dear Brethren, don’t tarry long in conversation with that old serpent; well our Lord did say of him “he is a liar, and the father of it” (Jn. 8:44). Nay, in such moments of doubt, we must bring underneath that sinking sand, the sure foundation of God’s Word which cries aloud; it’s because God loves me why he allows trials and afflictions to come into my life!!
In this sermon, three key aspects of God’s chastening are brought out. Firstly, God chastens His children in retributive disciple in order that they might turn back to Him. Secondly, God chastens His children in corrective discipline that they might resemble more His image and character. Thirdly, God chastens His children in preventative discipline lest we should turn aside out of the way. The overriding message coming through in each case is the same…whom God loves He chastens!!
David through the Scriptures shows that everyone who God calls to be His children have to follow the journey of the chosen. All who God calls to labour in His work must undergo a series of episodes, without which there can be no hope of service in the work of the Kingdom. Through the life of four men – Joseph, Moses, David and Paul – David shows that all were mightily used of God because all went through God’s pattern! They were called, had a preview of ministry, were then demoted, and went through a wilderness before then being promoted. This message is a great encouragement for all who perhaps felt that they were once called, but have not seen the full fruit of that calling.
In this sermon teaching, David seeks to bring out the truth contained in the parable of the ten virgins. At first glance, one may think that the five foolish virgins were ignorant of their required responsibility to ensure that they brought oil in their vessels. However, as you will see, their ignorance was a purposeful ignorance, based on a slothfulness and disobedience, resulting in their entrance into the marriage feast being denied!!
David expounds on a topic that is very dear to his heart concerning the gospel of the Kingdom. David is clear to point out that the gospel of the Kingdom is not the gospel of the Church, nor is it the gospel of salvation. Prepare to have your minds stretched as David digs into the Word of God. As all good Bereans, the ownness is on us after we have heard, to then search the Holy Scriptures!!
David expounds on two very important parables; the Parable of the Good Samaritan and the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant. The exhortation that David brings is delivered in grace and compassion, yet is clear and absolute...if we don't forgive those who have sinned against us, then God will not forgive us who have sinned against Him!!
1 Kings 17:1-16
We are living in incredibly difficult times and difficult times call for times of encouragement!! Biblical encouragement is not airy fairy sentimentalism but rather is rooted and grounded on the steadfast faithfulness of a God who is able to sustain and provide for His people in times of great need!! You don’t need me to tell you that we are living in times of great famine. The preaching and teaching of truth is seldom to be heard in our land. Yet…the same God who was able to keep His people in the wilderness for 40 years, providing them fresh manna morning by morning is able to also feed His people! The same God who commanded the ravens to feed His faithful servant Elijah is the same God who will also feed us in the time of famine!!
This sermon is an exhortation to God’s Saints and a testimonial to the faithful mercies of a covenant keeping God who though He leads us into the wilderness, is able to sustain His beloved children.
1 Corinthians 11:24-26
The great and fundamental weakness of our make-up is that we are human – prone to discouragement, fears and doubts; afflicted with short-sightedness, so often powerless to change tomorrow! Yet, there is One who has never known defeat nor tasted of failure, One who is never worried by tomorrow for He is Lord of the past, present and future! To you who have tasted of the kindness of His mercies and have known and experienced His covenant keeping faithfulness in times of trouble, why so often in times of difficulty do you so soon forget His past deliverances?
Thus this sermon is a word of encouragement to all who have a testimony, to raise up memorials unto the Lord!! Dear Brethren, a memorial serves a purpose – it is something by which the memory of a person or an event is kept alive! God’s past mercies serve as a ground of hope and confidence for the present and future and the memorial brings those past deliverances to remembrance!!
2 Corinthians 11:2
Before ever there was the bond of parent and child, of brother and sister, there was the bond of husband and wife. There exists no closer and more sacred a bond than that of holy matrimony. In like manner, there is then no greater act of treachery and betrayal than when a spouse takes themselves and joins themselves to another lover.
This sermon sheds Biblical light on spiritual adultery. Drawing from the example of Israel, one sees the broken heart of a loving husband who is jealous for His bride. He it was that betrothed her to Himself when no none else desired her; He it was that caused her to flourish in beauty, yet with that beauty she took herself and committed whoredom on every high hill and under every green tree, committing spiritual adultery with gods of stone and wood, alliancing herself with the kings of other nations. Yet, this is not only the picture of an Old Testament Israel; sadly it is the picture of many who profess Jesus Christ whose hearts are in this world! Paul said to the Corinthian Church, “...I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ” (2 Cor. 11:2). When will His bride return?