Hebrews 10:23-25
You don’t need a neon sign pointing to the obvious fact that we’re living in what the Bible describes as the last days. All around us the signs abound! It is exactly as our Lord said; Spiritual deception on epidemic proportions; wars and rumours of wars; nation rising against nation and kingdom against kingdom; famines; pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places. If this be so then it is imperative in the hour in which we live to make sufficient preparation so as to stand in these last days.
This sermon is the second part of a two-part sermon series that serves to offer necessary imperatives that the Christian simply cannot afford to be without in this perilous hour. Having looked in part one at the responsibility we have as believers to maintain our vertical relationship towards God; in this second part, we turn our full attention now to our horizontal relationship towards the Brethren. In these last days, no man is going to be able to exist as a stand-alone island. The Church of Jesus Christ is God’s appointed means of safety and we are exhorted in this sermon in light of the times we’re living in, not to neglect the gathering of ourselves together!!
This sermon was preached at Court Farm Evangelical Church
Romans 13:11-14
You don’t need a neon sign pointing to the obvious fact that we’re living in what the Bible describes as the last days. All around us the signs abound! It is exactly as our Lord said; Spiritual deception on epidemic proportions; wars and rumours of wars; nation rising against nation and kingdom against kingdom; famines; pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places. If these things be so then it is crucial in the hour in which we live to make sufficient preparation so as to be able to stand.
This sermon is the first part of a two-part sermon series that serves to offer necessary imperatives that the Christian simply cannot afford to be without in this perilous hour. In this sermon, we seek to offer four practical points that relate to our vertical relationship towards God. Firstly the need to know the Word of God; secondly the need to apply the Word of God; thirdly the need for personal holiness and fourthly the need for spiritual discipline in the area of prayer. May the Lord see fit to challenge and stir His people so as to be prepared for the seasons that are fast coming upon us.
This sermon was preached at Court Farm Evangelical Church
Part 13 – How do I Interpret the Bible?
The claim of Holy Scripture is not that men wrote as it pleased their fancy but rather that “…holy men of God spake as they were moved (carried along) by the Holy Ghost” (2 Pet. 1:20). This fact becomes the key in answering questions that often arise concerning the compilation of the Bible, for example; why 66 books and not 67? What about so-called missing books - the Gospel of Thomas or Psalm 151? Who determined what books went into the Bible and what books didn’t? These questions are easily answerable when one understands that the Bible claims not mere human authorship but divine authorship!
Then there is the matter of rightly dividing the Word of God. All too often, one will encounter Christians who have very little consistency when it comes to reading the Bible and even when they do read it, they do not really have any real method of approach to meaningful study. Often one will find that rather than studying the Bible, Christians will dabble with the text i.e. they will open it up and see which page it lands on and begin interpreting based on how they feel. In this thirteenth teaching part, we look in a very practical way at how to interpret the Bible by using multiple translations, cross-referencing, dictionaries and commentaries to first establish the true meaning of a passage (exegesis) so that the correct application might then be made (hermeneutics).
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Part 12 – The Doctrine of the Eternal States
The doctrine of the eternal states is rightly classed as a sub-division of eschatology - the study of the end times. Where eschatology has a broader overview of all that is contained in the heading of the last days, the doctrine of eternal states hones in on what will be the final state or eternal existence of man at the end of the world following the Second Coming of Christ and the Millennium.
The Bible is conclusive in what it has to say about the final states of the righteous and the wicked; those whose names are written in the book of life and those whose names are not. There is a growing movement today amidst the ranks of so-called Evangelicals that denies the conscious eternal suffering of the wicked in a place called hell and instead teaches that the wicked upon being raised from the dead shall be annihilated so as to cease to exist. As we shall see in this twelfth teaching part, nothing could be further from the truth. Just as the final state of the righteous shall be an existence of eternal bliss in the new heavens and new earth, so shall the existence of the wicked be an existence of eternal torment in the lake of fire.
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