Romans 10:1-4
Christianity is not for good men, nor is for the noble and the upright—that’s what they’ll become if Christ saves them, but before that glorious event, “...foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another”. How is such a one to ever climb out of the cesspit of his iniquity and to set his hands on the rungs of the latter up to heaven and when he gets there to present his sin-stained pitiful state before the presence of the Holy God before whom angels dare to cast their sight? Either God gives us in mercy what we do not possess, namely righteousness, or we’re doomed for all eternity!! What saith “euangelion”? “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Lk. 19:10)
Psalm 60:12
The secret of the strength of Israel has always been the God of Israel! Name one victory that ever came to this tiny nation and the hand of God was not it? You cannot do it!!! When Israel was right with their God, one plus God was the majority! But when they were not right, the Almighty allowed their enemies to prevail against them that they might turn back to Him!
In this sermon, we look at the many great triumphs in the history of this little nation as God undertook, again and again, to fight on their behalf. In light of the current COVID crisis, why is it that so many of God’s people are hiding out in fear; confounded, and full of dismay? Why are the doors of the Churches largely bolted and the pulpits mute at this hour of testing? May the people of God arise and put their trust in the Lord so as to say with those of old; through God, we shall do valiantly!
1 Corinthians 15:42-44
It is the earnest desire, to lay before you the certain and definite hope of the Christian. Assurances like this cannot be found in this world due to its transient state of temporariness. Search high and low, with diligence and scrutiny, but O man, your search will be in vain. When Adam fell through willful disobedience, mankind was plunged into sin and death. God in His infinite love and mercy has sought to reverse this curse in redeeming a people back unto Himself through His beloved Son.
In this sermon, we set forth the first and second installment of this most glorious work and consider what will be when Our Blessed Saviour appears in glory to change these vile bodies so as to be fashioned like unto His!
Knowing the Bible for Yourself (Pt. 5)
Having examined some of the key principles for interpreting the New Testament Epistles in the last teaching session, we seek in this teaching to put these principles into practice.
Join us as we take an exegetical walk through the first four chapters of Paul’s First Epistle to the Corinthians, covering the first major theme – Divisions in the Church. By studying the Epistle in this way, it allows us to give a practical example of the effectiveness of studying the Epistles thematically and will hopefully allow us to see how the verses and chapters connect with each other as part of this wider theme.
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Luke 3:1-12
If I could summarise in a word, and encapsulate in essence, the singular cry of God’s prophet, it would be the word “repent”. This messenger of God was sent by God on a divine mission; he was to be His mouthpiece; he was to be God’s agent to effect change in the hearts of the straying multitudes. He was never called to win popularity contests, in fact, he was for the most part hated and rejected, persecuted, and killed by the very ones to whom he was sent. He confronted the sins of the children of Israel and charged them with breaking God’s laws! He pronounced judgments and spoke of coming calamity. At the heart of his message was a cry of repentance for a wayward people to return back to God in order that they might be healed!!
The burden of this sermon is twofold. First, to show the importance of repentance and second, to discover the nature of repentance. May the Lord bring us all to a place of true repentance!