Judges 7:24-25
The world has always been obsessed with outward boast and human glory. Sadly, much of the Western Church is on par with this thinking. If a man has charisma and can hold an audience captive with stories and personal anecdotes, we make him a minister! The pulpits up and down the length and breadth of this country are full of such men. They look more like action men than they do God’s men. It’s not what a man is on the pulpit that counts so much as what he is off it! Character my friends is where it’s at!
How a man conducts himself amid conflict says a lot about his character. Leaders are called to be peacemakers. Having beheld Gideon the man, in this sermon, we behold Gideon the peacemaker. Through one man’s leadership, a nation is spared from civil war. I pray the Lord ministers to your heart through Gideon’s example.