Hebrews 11:1-3
If there were just two words that I would have you take away with you so as to keep in memory, it would be these two words, “BY FAITH”. No less than 16 times within the 40 verses that span the eleventh chapter of the Book of Hebrews; the words, “By faith” appear. Beginning with Abel, the son of Adam, the names of men and women are chronicled and the mighty victories that they wrought by faith are held in review for our remembrance. Abel, Enoch and Noah. Abraham, Sarah, Isaac and Jacob. Joseph, Moses and the Gentile harlot Rehab. All had one thing in common, one thing that wrote their name in the book, they believed God!!
Brothers and Sisters, I can think of no greater experience as a Christian than when God asks you to stand this side of faith and to trust Him. Against all odds, against everything that the natural eye would say otherwise. To take God at His Word and to simply say, “God I believe you and I’m going to trust you”, is the story of the heroes and heroines of the faith!!