1 Samuel 22:1-3
“The world’s greatest men usually enter incognito. The tough youngsters who gathered in Jesse’s back yard of a summer afternoon to play the ancient equivalent of piggy-move-up would not have shoved Jesse’s youngest boy around quite so freely if they had had a touch of second sight to let them see that they were taking liberties with the greatest king Israel was ever to know. But their blindness made possible many a glorious day of fun for the boys in the neighborhood...Such are the ways of God when He prepares His saints and heroes: He leaves them unrecognized by the world until the day of their “showing unto Israel””.
– A.W Tozer
1 Samuel 7:1-13
As Christians, we ought never to lose the living testimony of a Living God in our midst! The increasingly secular world in which we live declares that God is dead and as such, derides anyone who would dare to come out in the public square and declare that Jesus is real and living! The great danger in our day is that we can become so PC that we’ve nothing left of a Christian testimony whereby God can be glorified! We must resist this temptation to “fit-in”. Has not the Lord been good to us? Has He not by His mighty arm delivered us again and again out of many dangers? When we had no one else to turn to, was not the Lord our rock?
As we dig into 1 Samuel 7, we see that while Israel walked with the Lord, they had a testimony of His mighty deliverance; but when they turned their hearts from Him to serve idols, then was this testimony lost. This is a call to return unto the Lord with wholeness of heart that we might see again in our midst, a living testimony of a Living God.
Matthew 16:24-25
When you purpose with all your heart that you are going to walk through this life with the single determination at every juncture to say, YES to the will of God and NO to the will of man! Get ready, for a life of misunderstanding; judgment, criticism, and persecution. To walk with God friends at times is to tread a lonely path of obscurity, and we have to settle it in our heart from the onset that we will seek only the smile and approval of God! If this was the path the Master went; should not the servant tread it still? Who will say YES to the Master? YES to Your way and No to Mine?
Matthew 24:1-13
This is a sermon that will both challenge and equip believers to get ready for the Lord’s return. It is by no means exhaustive, but key principles and commands are passionately given in order to help prepare the Bride of Christ to make it through in these last days.
This sermon was delivered at Israel and Prophecy. For more information, visit:
Romans 1:16
As one surveys the last two thousand years of Church history, one will see that sadly, anti-Semitism has plagued its ranks at every juncture, hiding beneath the thinly clad veneer of theology so-called. Replacement theology—the belief that the Church has replaced national Israel (the Jewish people) in becoming the new inheritors of the promises given specifically to Israel in the Tanakh—has caused an arrogance to arise in the Christian Church (comprising largely of Gentile believers) of which the Apostle Paul warned against in the eleventh chapter of the book of Romans; “Boast not against the branches. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee” (Rom. 11:18).
In this sermon teaching, the biblical foundation is laid and the mandate given us by God’s word, to take the gospel into all the world, first to the Jewish people and then to the Gentile. May God give us again a burden for Jewish mission!
This sermon was shared at the 2019 Messianic Testimony West Midlands Rally. For further information and to support the work of Messianic Testimony, please visit:
1 Corinthians 4:1-5
The longer that I’m alive and the longer that I continue in service to the Lord, is the more that I’ve come to realise, you can’t please everyone!! What will be pleasing to one, will inevitably be the cause of displeasure to another and what will serve to light a smile on one face will no doubt serve to put a frown on another. Of course, as a Christian, we’re mandated to let our light shine before men that in seeing our good works, they might give praise to God. “In all things (writes Paul to Titus) shewing thyself a pattern of good works: in doctrine shewing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity, Sound speech, that cannot be condemned; that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed, having no evil thing to say of you.” (Tit. 2:7-8). But what happens when after we have done this, we are still yet the target of men’s judgment and criticism? Then, we must seek the approval and good pleasure of God alone by faithful obedience to that which He has called each of us to do!
In this sermon, we take a walk through the corridors of the Corinthian Church and in so doing, we see that carnality was alive and well! One man esteemed Paul the greatest and another Apollos. Yet when everything was said and done, Paul said: “Who…is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man?" (1 Cor. 3:5). There was one thing central in Paul’s mind; one motivating factor that kept him going. It was not his popularity status before men, but the fact that one day he would stand before the judgment seat of Christ in whose presence, every man's work will be made manifest by fire! In light of this, it ought to be a small thing to every one of us that we should be judged by men! May God give us the courage to go on in the face of discouragement and criticism!
Matthew 28:19-20
The last words of our Lord, recorded by Matthew, were not, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost”; the last words of our Lord were; “...and lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world”.
My Brothers and Sisters, take these words to heart!! Let them be the meditation of your thoughts. No matter what we go through as believers; no matter how great the offences and how bitter the disappointments; Jesus has promised that He’ll never leave us, nor forsake us, “So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me” (Heb. 13:5-6).
Shared at Israel and Prophecy meeting. For more information, visit:
Luke 8:41-56
No Christian has ever been rightly designated as such, without first having in them the seed of faith. Yet friends, having faith in God; trusting in our Lord Jesus Christ is not a once and for all done thing. Faith is not a one-time decision, but a continuation of ongoing decisions as we choose to place our trust and confidence in God and His Son. Anyone who has walked for some time with the Lord, knows only too well that it’s a walk that is full of many obstacles and trials that have been in some cases designed and in other cases permitted, in order to cause our faith not only to work but also to be strengthened.
In this sermon, we look at a number of examples in the Gospels, where it seemed all hope at been removed. Yet, in every case, though the situation seemed hopeless, it served as an opportunity to prove the power of God through faith!
Genesis 5:18-27
The greatest privilege ever to have been afforded to mankind is not the freedom to pursue life, liberty, and happiness. It is not the right to a prompt and fair trial by jury and nor is it the right to vote. These are all fantastic privileges that for the most part, we in the West take for granted; but I want to say Brethren, that a man can have all of these and yet miss the very purpose for which he was born into this world. In the twenty-second verse of this fifth chapter of Genesis, we are confronted with these staggering words; “And Enoch walked with God”.
I want to ask…what does it mean to walk with God? I submit you cannot give a reasonable answer without the use of the word relationship. Enoch walked with God i.e. Enoch had a relationship with God and this would have involved at its heart, fellowship.
Genesis 12:1-5
You’ve all heard the expression, “Patience is a virtue”. The studious school teacher reminds the student of this and the loving parent the child. So much truth is contained in this tiny phrase, and when we educate our young in this precious lesson, we’re really trying to teach them that being able to wait for something without becoming frustrated is a valuable character trait to have. Yet, as one grows in age, I find that one never seems to grow out of this so-called trait of adolescence, it’s just that we adults become more adept at hiding it. Let’s be honest; impatience plagues the human race and when we’ really set our hearts on something; not being able to realise the instant materialising of that desire, is a thing most vexing to us! “I WANT IT NOW!!” is the general sentiments of the many and when faced with the prospect of a hindering obstacle, two choices confront us; either we can seek to force the issue or we can humble ourselves and wait!!
As we trace the life of Abraham’s journeying, we see a God who has promised and a God who is faithful to perform that which He has spoken. Don’t lose heart Brethren, wait upon God and He shall bring His promise to pass!