Part 3
Jehovah’s Witnesses, like all true Christians of every denomination, are monotheistic in their expression of belief. They, like us, believe in one eternal God. The point of divergence comes however when they maintain that the singular being of God is without a plurality of persons. The doctrine of the Trinity affirms that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society deny this truth and aggressively attacks this position in its written literature.
In this teaching, we take to task the literature of the Watch Tower and counter its heretical claims with Biblical truth. For Jehovah’s Witnesses, the name of God which it maintains is Jehovah is everything. But is His name Jehovah? Does history bear this out? How should the divine name of God (Tetragrammaton) be transliterated? What if, from the Watch Tower’s own Bible, one could prove that Jesus is Jehovah? We endeavour to answer all these questions, proving conclusively that Jesus Christ is God.
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Part 2
As one traces the history of the beginnings of Jehovah’s Witnesses, two names are indispensable to the formation and development of this cult: Charles Taze Russell and his successor, Joseph Franklin Rutherford. In the 1830s, a Baptist minister from New York by the name of William Miller began sharing his new-found belief, that Jesus Christ was going to return around the year 1843. This belief began to gain momentum across denominations, and by 1840 it had become a nationwide campaign. This was the birth of what became known as Adventism and it was from this influence that the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society would emerge.
In this teaching, we examine the history of the Watch Tower cult from its beginnings until the present day. We review some of its teachings that have changed during this period and critique its peculiar version of the Bible, the New World Translation.
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Part 1
As of 2023, there are approximately 8.8 million Jehovah’s Witnesses globally, spread across 239 countries. Between September 2022 and August 2023, 1.8 billion hours were spent in the field of service publishing the news of Jehovah’s Kingdom with an average of 7.3 million Bible studies being conducted each month. If you compare this with the average amount of hours spent in outreach by Evangelicals, it is shameful on the part of us who profess to have the truth. Concerning missionary zeal, one cannot fault Jehovah’s Witnesses for their witnessing endeavours – it’s in their DNA. What do they have to show for all of this effort? Last year saw just short of 270,000 people baptised into the dedication of Jehovah’s service. That’s just over a quarter of a million people, won over to a cult!
In this introductory teaching, we peel back the veneer of the exterior to uncover what Jehovah's Witnesses believe and teach.
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