2 Corinthians 12:1-10
Just this past week, I was enjoying a moment, reading a book when I came across a statement that beautifully ministered to my heart. It involves a Pastor and a particular lady who came forward in one of his meetings. I’ll allow the Pastor to tell it in his own words: “She was somewhat timid and quiet, and she brought with her another lady for moral support. She said, “Brother...would you please pray that I will be bold and confident? I answered her request by saying “No. I will not.” Oh, I said it in a loving and gentle way, and then I explained why. I said, “Listen, God has given you a gift, and you don’t realize what that gift is. The gift is weakness, and as long as you recognize your weakness, it will drive you to God. But if I pray, and all of a sudden you have confidence and boldness in yourself, you will not need God’s help anymore.” Two days later she came to me in that conference, took me by the hand, and said, “Brother...thank you. Nobody has ever told me that my weakness is a gift, and now that I understand it, I can honestly say it’s driven me to God”.
May God speak to your heart through this sermon!