Part 11 – Understanding Eschatology
Without question, the foremost claim to the Bible being inspired and thus coming from God is the sheer volume of material contained within its pages given over to prophecy. In fact, a staggering 27% of the Bible (just over a ¼) is comprised of such. God goes down on record, declaring the future before it comes into existence so that when it does all will know that the Living God has spoken! These predictions are not vague random predictions relating to non-connected matter but rather are specific, exact, calculating, precise in nature and content. They concern themselves with a particular nation and a particular person, namely Israel and her Messiah, after which they then branch out to encompass the nations in immediate proximity to Israel and finally to the whole world.
The subject matter of this eleventh teaching is narrowed down to a specific field of Bible prophecy called eschatology. Eschatology comes from the Greek word “eschatos” meaning last and “ology” meaning the study of; hence eschatology means the study of the last days or final events. These final events include the Second Coming of Christ, the Great Tribulation, the rapture/resurrection of believers, the restoration of Israel, the millennium, the great white throne judgment and eternal states. In this teaching part, we first examine the different schools of understanding relating to the study of end times before turning our attention to understanding the prophetic timetable of the last days which shall see the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the establishment of His Millennium Kingdom on the earth.
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