Part 2 - The Doctrine Of The Trinity
The doctrine of the Trinity lies at the foundation of our understanding of God as Christians. To deny this truth is to put one thoroughly outside the confines of true orthodoxy of what has been held and accepted as true by those professing Christianity down through the centuries. However, because something has been held as true by many Christians for lengthy periods of time, does not mean that it is true. As Christians, the question that we come back to each and every time is, what does the Bible say? Is such a teaching clearly taught in the Bible? If it is, then having agreed with Scripture, we are happy to agree with those coming before us of like faith. Yet if it is not, then we have to reject such teachings on the grounds that they cannot be substantiated in Holy Scripture.
In this second part of the Firm Foundations series, we explore the doctrine of the Trinity providing many proofs from the whole of Scripture to define and articulate this great and fundamental doctrine.
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