Matthew 26:17-25
Imagine being seated around the table on the night of the Last Supper with the twelve. As you’re enjoying some last and final moments together with the Lord, Jesus suddenly turns and interjects these words, “...Verily I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me”. You try to compose yourself — who’s He talking to? Has an unwanted guest snuck in among us? Looking around, you realise, no, it’s only us—the twelve. We who have been His companions for the last 3½ years. We ate together, drank together, and slept together under the same canopy of night. We seldom ever left his side, how could it be that one of us should now betray him?
Having no idea or suspicion as to who the Lord could possibly be pointing to, they began each of them to point the finger at themselves! Oh, Brethren, we have a great need in this deceitful and perilous hour, to put the spotlight on ourselves and to ask the Lord this question in earnest. “Lord, is it I?”