Hebrews 10:23-25
You don’t need a neon sign pointing to the obvious fact that we’re living in what the Bible describes as the last days. All around us the signs abound! It is exactly as our Lord said; Spiritual deception on epidemic proportions; wars and rumours of wars; nation rising against nation and kingdom against kingdom; famines; pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places. If this be so then it is imperative in the hour in which we live to make sufficient preparation so as to stand in these last days.
This sermon is the second part of a two-part sermon series that serves to offer necessary imperatives that the Christian simply cannot afford to be without in this perilous hour. Having looked in part one at the responsibility we have as believers to maintain our vertical relationship towards God; in this second part, we turn our full attention now to our horizontal relationship towards the Brethren. In these last days, no man is going to be able to exist as a stand-alone island. The Church of Jesus Christ is God’s appointed means of safety and we are exhorted in this sermon in light of the times we’re living in, not to neglect the gathering of ourselves together!!
This sermon was preached at Court Farm Evangelical Church