2 Chronicles 7:13-14
My dear people, there is a price to be paid for revival — it’s a painful affair! Duncan Campbell put it this way; “If you want revival, get right with God. If you are not prepared to bring the "last piece," for God's sake stop talking about revival, your talking and praying is but the laughing-stock of devils. It is about time we got into the grips of reality”. The Welsh revival of 1904-05 began with a young man seeking the face of God by the name of Evan Roberts. For over a decade he had prayed in private for God to send a revival to Wales. At the age of 26, Evan attended a meeting at which a preacher named Seth Joshua prayed these famous words, “Lord, bend us”. As Roberts heard these words, the Holy Spirit pressed Him sore and said, “That’s what you need”. Upon bended knees, with tears streaming down his face, Evan Roberts cried aloud, “Bend me, bend me!!”. That same year, God used Evan Roberts as an instrument of revival, as God swept into Wales.
You say, Lord, send revival — Brother, don’t ever pray these words unless you’re willing for God to begin with you!!