Romans 15:20-24
The 19th century has been dubbed “the greatest century of missions”. In 1793, the modern missionary movement was birthed into being by a young Baptist minister by the name of William Carey. Over the next 100 years, missionaries were sent out from this tiny country of Great Britain, to every corner of the world. Whole tribes were converted from pagan idolatry and disciples made from every nation! In just 100 years, the world went from being 25% evangelised to 51% evangelised with the number of professing Christians more than doubling! In 1900, just under half of all international missionaries came from the British Isles! Fast forward 100 years to the 21st century and that figure now stands at a shameful 3.75%!!
This sermon is a wake-up call and a challenge to the Body of Christ to rise up in this generation and to make themselves available and willing to step out into missionary endeavour as God would lead!!