James 1:26
Man has concocted many tests by which to gauge his spirituality; self-made indicators by which he presumes to ascertain the height to which he has ascended in his religious service and devotion to God. Church attendance, financial giving, prayers and fasting, the study of God’s Word and the sharing of ones faith. Yet, admittedly, all these disciplines can be done out of a self-seeking heart of pride as a means to add notches to ones spiritual belt and to get one up over our neighbour. Brethren, there is one litmus test that is sure to never fail in giving an accurate reading of where we really are in our Christian experience; one member in our human body that is sure to give us away, that of the tongue!
This sermon is a challenge to the Christian to set guard over the words of their mouth. Gossip and slander, strife and division, lies and deception, ought not to be found in the life of a Christian. God is calling His body to a standard and the challenge is laid down by the Word of God!