Judges 6:7-24
When circumstances sink so miserably low, we grow accustomed to it and can’t see how things can ever change. WE FORGET!!! Every revival has begun from the place of low ebbs!! Moses didn’t come on a fluffy cloud with a bolt of lightning to deliver Israel. Where did God find him? In a place of low ebb, his people were oppressed and enslaved by the Egyptians! In the days of Gideon, it was the same. The Midianites were instruments of humility to turn the hearts of His wayward people back to Him. When Israel cried out to God, God raised up a deliverer! From whence did God find this man? In the palaces of power and influence? On the contrary; God found His instrument of revival by the winepress, threshing a handful of wheat and hiding in fear. Men love to look on the outward appearance, but have yet to look where God’s eyes are found – on the heart!
This sermon is an encouragement for believers. It matters not how incapable you may feel you are. God has a work for you to do in His power!