Genesis 12:1-5
You’ve all heard the expression, “Patience is a virtue”. The studious school teacher reminds the student of this and the loving parent the child. So much truth is contained in this tiny phrase, and when we educate our young in this precious lesson, we’re really trying to teach them that being able to wait for something without becoming frustrated is a valuable character trait to have. Yet, as one grows in age, I find that one never seems to grow out of this so-called trait of adolescence, it’s just that we adults become more adept at hiding it. Let’s be honest; impatience plagues the human race and when we’ really set our hearts on something; not being able to realise the instant materialising of that desire, is a thing most vexing to us! “I WANT IT NOW!!” is the general sentiments of the many and when faced with the prospect of a hindering obstacle, two choices confront us; either we can seek to force the issue or we can humble ourselves and wait!!
As we trace the life of Abraham’s journeying, we see a God who has promised and a God who is faithful to perform that which He has spoken. Don’t lose heart Brethren, wait upon God and He shall bring His promise to pass!