Hebrews 12:1-13
Is there any among you that is without the pain and sorrow that accompany trials and afflictions? What is your response when such trials and afflictions come to press you out of measure? For many, their immediate response is why me? If God loves me, why would He allow such affliction to come into my life? Oh! Dear Brethren, don’t tarry long in conversation with that old serpent; well our Lord did say of him “he is a liar, and the father of it” (Jn. 8:44). Nay, in such moments of doubt, we must bring underneath that sinking sand, the sure foundation of God’s Word which cries aloud; it’s because God loves me why he allows trials and afflictions to come into my life!!
In this sermon, three key aspects of God’s chastening are brought out. Firstly, God chastens His children in retributive disciple in order that they might turn back to Him. Secondly, God chastens His children in corrective discipline that they might resemble more His image and character. Thirdly, God chastens His children in preventative discipline lest we should turn aside out of the way. The overriding message coming through in each case is the same…whom God loves He chastens!!