Romans 2:17-29
Having mounted a case against the self-righteous man and having concluded that both Jew and Gentile stand condemned before a holy God, Paul now turns his attention in particular to the religious Jew who rested in the law though he kept it not! The Jew made his boast in his creed and pedigree, in the receiving of the law, in the external rite of circumcision. Paul would have none of it and seeks to pull the rug of religious pride from under his feet and to lay bare his hypocrisy. Say not we have Abraham to our father, say not we are they to whom the law came, say not we have the seal of God upon us through circumcision; does your life match up with the reality of what these things contain?
This sermon is a challenging message for search to be made as to the genuineness of our confession of religion that our lives might match our profession of faith!