2 Chronicles 14
It seems that the hardest thing to get Christians to do today is to pray, and because there is no individual prayer life there is no corporate prayer life! The prayer closets of the average Christian are perpetually vacant and the Church prayer meeting has long been abandoned. I don’t know about you, but for me, this send’s the strongest possible message. If actions could speak (and they do); they would say in short; “WE DON’T NEED GOD!!”. What is prayer but in its simplest essence, making our requests known unto God. Yet here’s the irony; the man who does not feel his need, will not pray his need. The great urgency of the day is not to convince Christians to pray, but to convince them of their need to pray!!!
This sermon is a clarion call, for the Church to again discover the greatest weapon ever given it…prayer! In this day of great peril, who will be willing again to seek the Lord in prayer? Let us do so, not only individually, but also corporately, that we might see the hand of God again amongst us, doing exploits for His glorious name! We can do ALL things through prayer, and NOTHING without it.