John 1:43-47
Our Lord said of Nathaniel..."Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile! He who searches the hearts of men and tries the inner most thoughts and intentions could say of this man that he was the genuine article and not a fake. I wonder...could Christ say such words of you and I; "Behold a Christian indeed, in whom is no deceit"? The missing ingredient and the root cause of so many living double lives today is that they are not REAL before the only one we CANNOT fool - God. Dear soul, when we try to hide our sin from God, it shows that there is no fear of God in our lives!
This message is a passionate plea for all God's people to come out of the dark and into the light. "He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy" (Prov. 28:13).
Romans 1:13-16
In the day and age in which we live, an ascending cry is being heard, sounding forth from those dissatisfied with the old paths. It is a cry for the "new"; change has become the buzz word of our day, out with the old and in with the new!! Society fueled by the Western media now prides itself that it is at last emerging from the puritanical and bigoted age of Victorianism, to a new liberalism without moral absolutes, where man is now free to make up his own morality. No longer is it popular to talk about sin, no longer is it acceptable to hold and promote a moral worldview based upon the Word of God; there is simply no stomach for it! Sadly, in an effort to reach this post-modern generation the Church has changed and adapted its message; the gospel is out and clever methodologies are in. Dear brethren, we must resist such a temptation, Paul said that he was not ashamed of the gospel for he know that it was the power of God unto salvation. Paul determined to know only one thing among a people darkened in sin; he knew of only one message that would break the shackles that so bound them...Christ and Him crucified!!!
This message is a call for Gods people to take up again the gospel message and to proclaim this message unashamedly, with full conviction that THIS IS the means appointed by God for men to be saved.