Matthew 4:1-11
While many deny the supernatural activity of Satan in the earth today, we are exhorted in the Word of God to take to arm us for the fight the whole armour of God so as to stand in the evil day of his attack. The weaponry of the Christian’s warfare are not of this word but are mighty through God to the pulling down of satanic strongholds. Do you know of such armament? Have you taken such daily to arm you in this great battle? The devil loves no easier prey than a sitting duck Christian! Unawares, unsuspecting, naive, unskilled in spiritual warfare and undisciplined in spiritual matters!! Such are easy pickings and prime suspects to terrorize.
This sermon is an exhortation for all engaged in this spiritual war to take the defense and the offense; the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit. With the shield of faith we are able to counter His lies and falsehoods but with the sword of the Word of God, we are able to fight back!! When our Lord was assailed upon by the prince of this world, thrice He gave answer to the temptations of the devil…It is written, it is written, it is written!!! May the Lord use this sermon to aid and equip you in this battle.