Romans 5:1-11
Paul has already dealt with two great doctrines in the preceding two chapters of this great epistle to the Romans, the doctrine of justification by faith and the doctrine of redemption. Now Paul comes to another great doctrine and pillar of the Christian faith, namely the doctrine of reconciliation which results from the other two. Can it be, that we who were formerly at enmity with God have been brought into a state of friendship? This is the great clarion call of the Gospel; be ye reconciled to God!!
This sermon lays out this wonderful truth and encourages believes who are enduring trials of affliction to lift up their heads heavenward and to fix their hope on the eternal prize laid up for them in Christ!!
Romans 4
For 1500 years, Israel had been under the heavy yoke of the law. This had been their rule of life since the time of their coming out of Egypt when God entered into covenant with them at Mt. Sinai. Paul was clear of one thing (himself being a Pharisee for many years), by the works of the law shall no man be justified in the sight of God! If any man was going to stand a chance of gaining right-standing with God, it was to be by faith alone that the reward might be of grace!
In this fourth chapter of Romans, Paul seeks to address this seismic shift in religious worldview by pointing out that such a concept of imputed righteousness on the grounds of faith is nothing new! Abraham, the father of the Jewish nation predated Moses by some nearly 1500 years, yet Abraham had this testimony before God, that he was counted righteous on the grounds of his faith and not by the works of law. Paul lays hold on this truth and expounds this great doctrine of justification by faith by demonstrating that righteousness must come by means of imputation alone and can never come by the works of the law!
Romans 3:19-31
Words such as expiation, propitiation and atonement are words that have generally lost their meaning in today’s society; yet, these words are key to understanding the great transaction that took place on the cross!! Theological concepts such as 'substitutionary atonement' has become repulsive to a Church that generally has no stomach for justice and righteousness. God is holy and as such He must punish the guilty. How can a holy God remain just and at the same time punish the guilty?
In this sermon, the glorious truth of justification by faith through the redemption that is in Jesus Christ on account of God’s grace toward us is brought out for all to see. Our being brought into right standing with God came at a great price. May we ever rejoice in this truth!!
Romans 3:1-18
When one surveys the Old Testament, the Law and the Prophets, one cannot escape the sheer volume of passages and verses that speak of a future blessing for Israel. They cry forth from every page...God has not cast off His covenanted people Israel!! In answer to the scathing indictment against him in chapter 2, the Jew sought to exploit this truth in an attempt to hold God to account by insisting that whatever wrong they did on their part, God would remain integral to His Word in keeping covenant with them.
In this fifth teaching part we see how Paul blasts this faulty reasoning out of the water bringing the Jews back to the fundamental truth of his argument, namely that both Jew and Gentile are fully deserving of the righteous judgment of God!!
Romans 2:17-29
Having mounted a case against the self-righteous man and having concluded that both Jew and Gentile stand condemned before a holy God, Paul now turns his attention in particular to the religious Jew who rested in the law though he kept it not! The Jew made his boast in his creed and pedigree, in the receiving of the law, in the external rite of circumcision. Paul would have none of it and seeks to pull the rug of religious pride from under his feet and to lay bare his hypocrisy. Say not we have Abraham to our father, say not we are they to whom the law came, say not we have the seal of God upon us through circumcision; does your life match up with the reality of what these things contain?
This sermon is a challenging message for search to be made as to the genuineness of our confession of religion that our lives might match our profession of faith!
2 Corinthians 13:5
Paul delivers a very simple but yet profound message on the need for us as Christians to remain in a close personal relationship with Jesus Christ. What does it mean to walk with Jesus? How do we as Christians walk with Jesus? Paul endeavours with the help of God to provide many thought provoking answers to these questions and more. May the Lord bless you as you listen/watch this rich sermon.
This sermon was preached at the 2016 Wolverhampton CMFI Fellowship Day.
2 Chronicles 18
Jim brings a very needful word about the absolute need to put ourselves in the place where we can hear from God. This is a very heart stirring message that places the responsibility firmly in our lap. What is the state and condition of our hearts? Are we in the place where we can hear from God?
This sermon was preached at the 2016 Wolverhampton CMFI Fellowship Day.
Romans 2:1-16
Jesus reserved some of His most chiding words for the religious hypocrites. Content to dwell in their self-righteousness, to sit in the seat of judgment against others yet failing to see that by that same judgment they themselves were condemned!! Against such, Paul lays down the case and when he’s finished getting done, the righteousness of the self-righteousness is reduced to dust and ashes!! To the Jew seeking to justify himself in the sight of God, he has been weighed and found wanting! To the Gentile he too has been tried by the law written on his heart and has been found wanting. Paul concludes all men under sin and announces the coming day of wrath when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ!!
This sermon is a very powerful exhortation to cast aside self-righteousness and to cast oneself upon the righteousness provided in Jesus Christ!!
Romans 1:13-32
The Apostle Paul's heart was that he might come to preach the gospel to those at Rome. Whilst many today desire to draw in a crowd, Paul was not interested in doctoring the gospel to accomplish such means. Whilst many today are ashamed of the foolishness of preaching, Paul desired to preach nothing less for he knew that the unadulterated gospel of Jesus Christ was the power of God unto salvation to all who would believe.
Just as the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith, so also is the terrifying wrath of God revealed against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness. When a people decides to cast off the knowledge of God and to give the worship and glory owing to God, to another, God gives man over to his own wicked lustful heart and in removing His restraint, man begins a horrifying downward spiral into moral depravity. This sermon is awake up call to a nation under the wrath of God!!
Romans 1:1-12
Though the book of Romans was not the first epistle to be written, yet it finds itself first among the New Testament epistles. When we consider the great depth of its theological content and practical application, it’s hardly any surprise why we find it first in position among the epistles. By all accounts, this epistle stands as a giant! If all the epistles can be rightly called mountains, the book of Romans stands as Mount Everest among them.
In this first part of a sermon series working through the book of Romans, we explore Paul’s mighty calling and the awesome possibilities of the grace of God working though his yielded life. We look too at the power of prayer and the desperate need in our generation for prayer to be revived in the lives of God’s people for the spiritual well-being and prosperity of the Saints.