1 Samuel 23:1-14
Perilous times face the Church of Jesus Christ in the days ahead for Christians living in the West. Look outside the Western world and see; our Brothers and Sisters worldwide, suffer persecution for the cause of Christ. It is with firm conviction that I believe that our times of freedom are coming swiftly to an end and that we shall in like manner also suffer persecution for our stand in Christ. In light of this, God is wanting to prepare His Church to stand. Where is your trust and your confidence found and upon what ground are your feet planted? If ever there was a thing that will test the authenticity of your answer it will be the blazing fire of persecution! In that day, your trust had better not be found in another for that day shall reveal it. Christ alone, in Him alone must our trust alone be found.
Colossians 2
There has never been a point in its 2000 year history that the Church of Jesus Christ has not had to contend against false teachers and their damnable doctrines. Even in the first century, within a decade and a half of Christ’s death, burial, resurrection and ascension, the apostles found themselves contending earnestly for the faith against the errors of the false Judaizers and later on, the early Gnostics.
As nears our Lord’s return, we are witnessing the rise of many sects and movements which by stealth are sucking in those once sound in the faith. One such sect is not new; but is seeing a resurgence in our day, namely that of the Judaizers, under the auspices of the Hebrew Roots movement. This sermon is a flat refutation of their damnable heresies and a passionate plea for the Body of Christ to shun all such sects which have as their goal the aim of leading men away from the simplicity which is in Christ the Head, in whom dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily and to ruin men’s souls in perdition!
Jeremiah 6:16
The great dilemma of the “remnant Church” in this land of ours is that it knows all the right things in their head but when one looks to see this translate on the race track, the rubber never seems to meet the road!! I fear that we’ve become experts in exposing the error that’s outside while our own house lies in ruin! The pressing need among the professing remnant Church in these Last Days is for God to send into our midst a “Nathan the prophet” who can point the finger into our very hearts and cry “Thou art the man” (2 Sam. 12:7).
In this final part of a three-part message, the emphasis is moved from the heart to the feet. A plea from God is heard sounding forth of a merciful and loving God who is calling His people home. Who will hear His call; who will heed His call; who will come back home?
At the start of this sermon, a testimony is given at the request of those who had invited Paul to share how he came to live by faith going into full-time ministry.
This message was shared at the Israel and Prophecy Meeting March 2008
Jeremiah 6:16
I find it quite amazing and oft at times it shows our age; when mixing with the young they speak of things pertaining to today; yet when mixing with the aged, they speak of the things of yesteryear, remembering the days of old and how things used to be! There's a saying; “you don’t know what you have until it’s gone” - and how true this is. To realize the worth of a prized possession, in light of its passing, and to yearn for it again is grief enough; but to have never known that prized possession in the first place is grief the more!! The bottom line is this; you cannot miss what you’ve never had and you cannot mourn what you've never experienced. I fear that we are living in a generation that is so far removed from the Biblical standards of godliness known to our forefathers of old, that what we now call normal Christianity, would a generation ago have been considered reprobate!!
Before one can walk along the old paths, they must first know what they are. In this second part of a three-part message, we give ourselves to re-discovering the ancient ways and in so doing see that they have engraved upon them all along their course the word “holiness”.
This message was shared at the Israel and Prophecy Meeting March 2008
Jeremiah 6:16
In this generation of newfangled fancies and innovative ideas and inventions, we’re told that old is bad and new is good; that which belonged to yesteryear must needs to be buried in order to make way for the new thing God’s wanting to do today. Friends, on every hand I witness a Church trying its level best to be relevant to a world that’s so disgusting and vulgar that no Christian has any business ever trying to imitate it. There is a great need in these last days for the people of God to ask again for the old paths.
In this first part of a three-part message, we set the landscape and call the people of God to prepare their hearts as to how they intend to respond. Before one can turn again to the old paths there must first be a sincere willingness on the part of man to enquire again and to ask in earnest for the old paths.
This message was shared at the Israel and Prophecy Meeting March 2008
Psalm 23
Hindsight is a wonderful thing Brethren but in the midst of trial, we don’t have hindsight for our comfort. Yet what we do have, more than this, is the Word of God; His sure and faithful promises which are yea and amen in Christ!
As though restricted by space, with a limited palette; the great Psalmist paints the canvas with words deep from within which from time immemorial have served to be a source of great refreshment for many a weary Saint. Of this 23rd Psalm, Spurgeon wrote; “...what the nightingale is among birds, that is this divine ode (poem) among the psalms, for it has sung sweetly in the ear of many a mourner in his night of weeping, and has bidden him hope for a morning of joy”.
Hebrews 10:23-25
You don’t need a neon sign pointing to the obvious fact that we’re living in what the Bible describes as the last days. All around us the signs abound! It is exactly as our Lord said; Spiritual deception on epidemic proportions; wars and rumours of wars; nation rising against nation and kingdom against kingdom; famines; pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places. If this be so then it is imperative in the hour in which we live to make sufficient preparation so as to stand in these last days.
This sermon is the second part of a two-part sermon series that serves to offer necessary imperatives that the Christian simply cannot afford to be without in this perilous hour. Having looked in part one at the responsibility we have as believers to maintain our vertical relationship towards God; in this second part, we turn our full attention now to our horizontal relationship towards the Brethren. In these last days, no man is going to be able to exist as a stand-alone island. The Church of Jesus Christ is God’s appointed means of safety and we are exhorted in this sermon in light of the times we’re living in, not to neglect the gathering of ourselves together!!
This sermon was preached at Court Farm Evangelical Church
Romans 13:11-14
You don’t need a neon sign pointing to the obvious fact that we’re living in what the Bible describes as the last days. All around us the signs abound! It is exactly as our Lord said; Spiritual deception on epidemic proportions; wars and rumours of wars; nation rising against nation and kingdom against kingdom; famines; pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places. If these things be so then it is crucial in the hour in which we live to make sufficient preparation so as to be able to stand.
This sermon is the first part of a two-part sermon series that serves to offer necessary imperatives that the Christian simply cannot afford to be without in this perilous hour. In this sermon, we seek to offer four practical points that relate to our vertical relationship towards God. Firstly the need to know the Word of God; secondly the need to apply the Word of God; thirdly the need for personal holiness and fourthly the need for spiritual discipline in the area of prayer. May the Lord see fit to challenge and stir His people so as to be prepared for the seasons that are fast coming upon us.
This sermon was preached at Court Farm Evangelical Church
Exodus 4:10-16
If we were gathered in certain quarters and I was to mention this sermon title, I’m sure many us would have a good idea what might follow. “You’ve got a problem with insecurity? Just take a look in the mirror and realise how great you are! Your self-esteem needs a face-lift! Stop doubting yourself and start believing in yourself! Com’on you’re worth it!” Such is the rhetoric of popular psychology and sadly even the mentality of many professing Christians. That said, are we to just write off as erroneous and ignore the fact that there are multitudes of Christians who struggle daily with very real feelings of insecurity which hinder them greatly from moving forward into the call of God for their lives?
Brothers and Sisters, it matters not how you feel nor what the world census says. What does God have to say? The very opposite of pop psychology!! Not, develop your self-esteem, but, turn your eyes upon Me! In Christ it is all flipped on its head! Our perceived weakness and insecurity is the means by which God shall get glory for Himself!!! “...God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: That no flesh should glory in his presence” (1 Cor. 1:27-29). Do you believe this? Why then do you seek to rob God of His glory by strengthening your cause? That thorn has been given you and I by God and if properly acted upon shall be the means of God glorifying Himself in and through your weakness.
Colossians 3:1-4
Modern 21st-century man well makes a fitting boast on account of the vast array of his accomplishments; they’re admittedly very impressive! In this century and the last alone, the world has witnessed staggering and unprecedented breakthroughs in every field of expertise, from medicine to engineering. Western civilization has never known such affluence, such protracted periods of peace and prosperity; have never known such high standards of health and living and yet it’s into this period of history and into this geographical locale that each of us finds our present existence, and it’s into this reality that the gospel of Jesus Christ has shone its dazzling light, even into your heart and mine! Undeterred by the leavening influence of a society dripping with riches, the power of Christ is seen in that He has a people though in this world remain untouched by it!
This sermon is an exhortation for believers to fix their mind, not on the things of this earth but the things belonging to heaven. The reason for such an exhortation? For we are buried with Christ and risen with him and our life is now hid with Christ in God. Oh, that we come to fully comprehend this mystery and in so doing set our gaze heavenward from whence our Lord shall soon return!