Ephesians 6:10-18
A war has been raging for some 2000 years. Not a single generation has been exempt and not a day has passed wherein the conflict has ceased. It is a battle in the heavenly realms, reaching down to earth; a spiritual war involving the blood bought children of God and the forces of demonic darkness. It is crucial in this critical hour, that the Saints of God have a biblical understanding of Spiritual Warfare and how they are to stand in the evil day.
The passage before us in this sermon, more than adequately furnishes a sound exposition of the topic of spiritual warfare and gives plain instruction on how the child of God is to stand in the midst thereof.
Romans 16:17-27
In earnest concern, Paul instructs the Church at Rome with passion, to mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which they had learned and to avoid them. When one understands the heart of God concerning His flock and the prayers of Christ that His Church may be one; insight is gleaned and understanding is gained as it relates to the importance of unity. One begins to see the utter wickedness and evil of a divisive person! The Greek word for division is where we get our English word for dichotomy, which means to cut into two parts. The Word of God is clear; we are to mark such people, and to have nothing to do with them, for such serve not the Lord Jesus Christ but their own bellies and their own conceited agendas!!
It is with thankfulness to God, that we conclude this teaching series on the Book of Romans. May the Lord be glorified in all that has been shared and may we strive to walk in the reality of it!!
Romans 16:1-11
All I’m sure are familiar with the concept of a roll of honour, a list of names of those counted worthy of receiving honour; of being highly esteemed in the sight of men and thus to be regarded with great respect. In the chapter before us, Paul lists his own roll call of honour, of faithful Saints counted worthy of double honour on account of their faithful labours of service in Christ towards the Brethren, not least towards Paul himself. Among many of the nobles, are the names of women, the first of which being Phebe, who through her labour of love, received a commendation from Paul.
This sermon is an exhortation to the Body of Christ, to strive for that most honourable of all Christian labours, that of Christian service in the area of helps.
Romans 15:25-33
Having dealt already at length concerning the matter of Christian love, in a variety of Christian contexts throughout this most blessed epistle to the Romans; it is not surprising that once again before long, Paul revisits this great theme in what is yet another application of its manifold beauty!! Its depths can never be plummeted, its heights never scaled – inexhaustible, indispensable, exceeding all limits, uncontainable, unexpendable – LOVE!!
In the verses before us in this sermon, we find yet another application of love as it pertains to Christian giving. We take a closer look at this expression of love and allow the Scriptures to speak for themselves on this important matter. “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially them who are of the household of faith” (Gal. 6:10)