Proverbs 12:15
You’ve all heard the saying, “Feelings come, and feelings go” — how true this maxim is!! I thank God for the gift of feeling, our emotions are given to us by our Creator. It was never God’s design to make robots. I don’t know if you ever noticed, but robots don’t have feelings — they do what they’re programmed to do. You can drive a robot off a cliff and you’re never going here it complain! Humans on the other hand are made to feel. When we’re sad, we cry, when happy, we laugh!! When in love, we don’t reach for the Oxford dictionary to search for a definition, every fiber of our being experiences it!! Now, whilst feelings can be a tremendous blessing to us, they can also be a great curse. Many a man acted rashly in a moment of hot temper based on feeling, only to regret it on the morrow in the cool light of a new day. We can think of all types of thoughts which in turn induce all manner of feelings, but we can be totally wrong in our thinking!! Only a fool allows his life to be governed by his feelings.
In this sermon, we look at feelings, decisions, and the desperate need for godly counsel.
Genesis 1:1-3
It is upon my heart to speak to you about the spiritual stirrings of God amidst unfavourable times of spiritual depression!! Is this not an apt topic for the crisis hour in which we find ourselves? As I look around, after the natural eye, I don’t find much encouragement outwardly to commend much hope to my soul. As a nation, spiritually, we’re not in a good place — darkness covers the face of the deep, and by all natural reasoning, it seems that the light has been extinguished, never to rise upon the land again!! Yet, as one traces the moving of the Spirit in the history of the pages of God’s Word, one sees time and again, where darkness abounded, the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the deep and God said, let there be light and there was light!!
It is my firm conviction, that God is at work, stirring the hearts of His people to pray because it is His desire to move again in revival power!
David Donovan brings a very powerful word on the primary need for godliness! May the Lord greatly minister to your heart.
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Luke 22:31-34
On 3 September 1939, France declared war on Germany following the German invasion of Poland. Between 10 May and 22 June 1940, in a six-week lightning campaign, Germany’s armed forces overran Holland, Belgium, and Luxemburg, humiliating the British and defeating the French. During the fighting, the British, French, and Belgium forces had been pushed back to the French Port of Dunkirk. Hundreds of thousands of allied troops were left stranded on the beaches of Dunkirk, surrounded by massive German armies consisting of many more troops and tanks — it seemed an almost foregone conclusion. Knowing the peril of the moment, on May 24th, 1940, King George VI addressed the British nation, calling for a national day of prayer! On that self-same day, for reasons still unknown, Hitler suddenly and unexpectedly commanded the advancing Panzer tanks to halt, giving the allied forces 3 invaluable days of reprieve. On May 26th, 1940 the nation of Britain went to prayer committing their cause to Almighty God, imploring Him for divine intervention! Millions across the British Isles filed into Churches, and in some quarters, chapels were filled to overflowing. Now what happened next cannot be humanly explained. For the next nine days, some 338,000 troops were evacuated from the port and beaches of Dunkirk right in the face of the Germans! The allied forces may have lost the battle at Dunkirk but they went on to win the war!!
This sermon is an encouragement to those who may have lost battles in this Christian fight. You may have lost a battle, but you have not lost the war! There’s a work that God has for you to do. The time for licking your wounds is over and it’s time again to join the fight.