John 3: 1-7
When we think of the great historic doctrines of the Christian faith—in particular, those that fall under the broader umbrella of “Soteriology” (the study of salvation), seated in their midst must surely be the glorious doctrine of Regeneration. In the days of Popish pomp and rule, it was the doctrine of Justification that was heralded and championed by the Reformers. Rome had for a millennium, hoodwinked the masses under a false system of works, masquerading as grace. The Reformers said NO!! Man is not justified in the sight of God by human achievement—he’ll never work his way to heaven; the only way he’ll ever get there is by the grace of God alone, through faith alone apart from human merit.
In this our day, it is the doctrine of regeneration that so desperately needs to be rediscovered and heralded from every pulpit in the land. For many, becoming a Christian is nothing more than joining a Church and having one’s name inscribed on a roll call of membership. I’ve known people, near and dear to me who called themselves Christians because they were made wet with water; yet when I looked for visible fruits of life, I found none! What saith the Lord Jesus Christ? “Ye must be born again” (Jn. 3:7).
1 Samuel 15:16-17
Nothing (I believe) so moves the heart of our Heavenly Father more than humility. Consider with me, a verse found in Isaiah 57. “For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones” (Is. 57:15). Like a magnet pulled with force towards a lump of rusty iron, it readily passes by the gold and the silver (it’s unattracted by them); so our God is drawn towards humility.
In this sermon, we survey the lives of those whom God had called and used, and we note the downfall of some, who though pride fell from their former standing. May we every sense our need for God and in His lifting up of our position, let us remain in a place of humility.
Knowing the Bible for Yourself (Pt. 4)
When we speak of an epistle, we mean by this a letter. The English word for epistle comes from the Greek word “epistolē” which means a written message. There are 21 such Epistles found within the Bible which comprise a third of the whole New Testament. The New Testament Epistles are vital to the Believer in Christ because they contain the doctrines which he/she is to live by!
In this teaching, we examine some of the key principles for interpreting the New Testament Epistles.
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