Matthew 16:13-18
Pastor Jason from Bourne Evangelical Church brings a very timely word from the Lord in season. Using the promise that Jesus made to build His Church, He shows how God is still at work in the land, raising up a faithful remnant for the glory of His name. Those who want to do things their own way find themselves in apostasy as Church after Church across this land closes its doors for good. Yet, those who want to do things God’s way—faithfully preaching His Word and standing on it, are finding that God is still the same, mighty to raise up a testimony of His true Church in the earth!! Do it again O Lord, do it again!!
To find out more about Pastor Jason Wright, please visit here:
Revelation 13:11-18
We come in this twenty-second teaching part to a second beast which John saw coming up out of the earth. Who is this second beast, and what shall be his function and office? How does his activity correlate to the person of the first beast? What is the image that John beheld, speaking and causing as many as would not worship the image to be killed? Then there’s mention made of a mark, which all men shall be made to receive and without which no man might buy or sell unless they have this mark. What is the number of his name and the wisdom needed for understanding? We discuss all of these questions in this teaching and turn to the Scriptures to shed precious light on the answers.
1 Samuel 22:1-3
“The world’s greatest men usually enter incognito. The tough youngsters who gathered in Jesse’s back yard of a summer afternoon to play the ancient equivalent of piggy-move-up would not have shoved Jesse’s youngest boy around quite so freely if they had had a touch of second sight to let them see that they were taking liberties with the greatest king Israel was ever to know. But their blindness made possible many a glorious day of fun for the boys in the neighborhood...Such are the ways of God when He prepares His saints and heroes: He leaves them unrecognized by the world until the day of their “showing unto Israel””.
– A.W Tozer
1 Samuel 7:1-13
As Christians, we ought never to lose the living testimony of a Living God in our midst! The increasingly secular world in which we live declares that God is dead and as such, derides anyone who would dare to come out in the public square and declare that Jesus is real and living! The great danger in our day is that we can become so PC that we’ve nothing left of a Christian testimony whereby God can be glorified! We must resist this temptation to “fit-in”. Has not the Lord been good to us? Has He not by His mighty arm delivered us again and again out of many dangers? When we had no one else to turn to, was not the Lord our rock?
As we dig into 1 Samuel 7, we see that while Israel walked with the Lord, they had a testimony of His mighty deliverance; but when they turned their hearts from Him to serve idols, then was this testimony lost. This is a call to return unto the Lord with wholeness of heart that we might see again in our midst, a living testimony of a Living God.
Revelation 13:1-10
I cannot stress enough, the importance and the significance of the chapter that is before us tonight, in better aiding our understanding of the nature, role, and function of the antichrist in his hour of power during the Great Tribulation. It is important to point out, that John does not stand in isolation in the things he sees. The prophet Daniel, some 600 years before, foresaw similar events. He too saw beasts rising out of the sea, the fourth being diverse from the others that came before it, having ten horns. Both the book of Daniel and the book of Revelation, due to their nature and the similarities of the material found within them, have been labelled as apocalyptic. God in his wisdom has given us two such books so that by reading both in tandem, we would arrive at a fuller understanding of eschatology. By understanding the one, it better aids our understanding of the other; and it is for this reason that we are going to be spending quite a bit of time this evening studying the book of Daniel, in particular, chapter 7. If we can understand the prophetic imagery of Daniel chapter 7 and its fulfillment in light of history, then by applying the same principles of interpretation, we can open up with accuracy, the imagery of Revelation 13, as it pertains to events that are yet future.
Matthew 16:24-25
When you purpose with all your heart that you are going to walk through this life with the single determination at every juncture to say, YES to the will of God and NO to the will of man! Get ready, for a life of misunderstanding; judgment, criticism, and persecution. To walk with God friends at times is to tread a lonely path of obscurity, and we have to settle it in our heart from the onset that we will seek only the smile and approval of God! If this was the path the Master went; should not the servant tread it still? Who will say YES to the Master? YES to Your way and No to Mine?
Matthew 24:1-13
This is a sermon that will both challenge and equip believers to get ready for the Lord’s return. It is by no means exhaustive, but key principles and commands are passionately given in order to help prepare the Bride of Christ to make it through in these last days.
This sermon was delivered at Israel and Prophecy. For more information, visit: