Replacement Theology in its simplest form teaches that the Church has replaced national Israel as the new people of God. God’s plans and purposes no longer lie with national Israel, but the Church. Replacement Theology teaches that it is the Church that now inherits the promises formerly given to Israel. The term Replacement Theology is fairly new in theological studies. The more historic and traditional term is “Supersessionism”; a descriptive term denoting the superseding nature by which the Church has replaced Israel. Proponents of Replacement Theology teaches that apart from repentance and faith in Christ thus leading to an incorporation into the Church, the Jewish people have no future, hope or calling in the plan of God.
In this teaching we take a look at the history of replacement theology and seek to define our terms looking at other variations of this teaching. We end this teaching by looking at some of the arguments that are put forward by proponents of replacement theology and seek to refute them Biblically.
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