Mark 12:1-12
There are some within the ranks of Christendom that fancy that their being in the Lord hangs by a thread - that is, at any time, at any moment, having put one foot wrong, they could suddenly be cast off from the presence of God and fall from grace overnight!! I call this “tightrope Christianity”, and there are many who live under the fear and grip of such bondage never knowing whether they are in or out of favour with God. Dare we call this Christianity!! Open up the Bible if you will and from every page will cry forth the mercies of a God who is gracious, and full of compassion, slow to anger, and of great mercy.
In this sermon, we trace the 1500 year history of a nation called Israel and in so doing consider God’s mercy towards the backslider! In beholding this wonder however, we also consider the terror of a holy God, who will not strive with the impenitent forever. A clear warning is sounded forth in this sermon; trifle with the mercy of God at your own peril!! Whilst the mercies of God of long and His patience enduring, there comes a point in time in which the axe of God’s judgment must fall!! Today, if you will hear His voice, harden not your hearts.
Joshua 9:1-14
There’s a saying oft found on the lips of men when faced with a situation in life; “I’ve got it!!” Vast and numerous are the casualties of those who speech run along these lines. Judging in the natural and functioning in the realm of the earthly, they judge carnal matters by carnal means and suffer the consequences of not first seeking council at the mouth of the LORD.
This sermon is an eye opener, to the potential hazards of trying to tackle things in the flesh without first consulting God. Dear Christian, a way has been made for you to come boldly to the throne of grace to obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need (Heb. 4:16). The question is, will you come?
1 Corinthians 15:9-11
There exists three types of Christian workers in the field of Christian service today. The third it seems is more rare than coloured diamonds, the first and second more common than tin! Behold the first type of Christian worker; his back bowed over, his hands limp, his knees frail – a most pitiful fellow! If one could peer across to view him head on, one would see a tiresome soul; a withering face and a sorrowful look tells more than speech ever could. Behold the Christian worker with much labour and no grace! Consider the second type, fat and overweight, a most lazy individual - see him slouched on the couch fast asleep. Behold the Christian worker with much grace but no labour!!
It is the third of our three that we turn our attention to in this sermon as a model of how it should be in the sphere of Christian service, labouring under the grace of God!! Such a one I heard cry aloud, “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can wok” (Jn. 9:4). Upon his back, an enormous load, but he never seems to notice. Upon the sack are emblazoned the words; “My grace is sufficient for thee” (2 Cor. 12:9). Dear soul, which one of the three are you?
2 Kings 18:1-6
Of King Hezekiah, it was said, “And he did that which was right in the sight of the LORD, according to all that David his father did”. Hezekiah was a very special king in that he loved the Lord his God and cleaved to Him with all is heart!! When ascending the throne of the Monarch, Hezekiah set his heart to rededicate the nation back to God. He removed the high places, and brake the images, and cut down the groves. However, in the passage of Scripture before us in this sermon, reference is also made of him breaking in pieces the brazen serpent which Moses had made! For 800 years, no reference is made in the records of Scripture of this brazen serpent until now! What once had been a blessing to Israel and a means of their healing, had now turned to be a snare!
This sermon is a warning and a challenge to Christians not to lose sight of God in the midst of His blessings. How many Christians, Churches, denominations and ministries have known the blessing of God and over time have allowed that same blessing to become an idol of worship. Hezekiah saw in his day, the brazen serpent it for what it was – Nehushtan – a piece of brass!!
Hebrews 11
What is faith? There exists some confusion amongst Christians as to what constitutes true biblical faith. Due to the error of the so-called Word of Faith Movement, many have come to have an unbiblical view of faith. We’re told that whatever we desire we shall receive and if we don’t then it is because we lack the faith! However, when one takes the whole counsel of the New Testament, one quickly comes to realise that faith is not about bending the will of God in an attempt to get our own way but rather, faith is man’s response to what God has said!! God first speaks and we take Him at His Word and exercise obedience – this is biblical faith!!
In the troubling times in which we live, Christ is every calling His sheep to follow Him! My sheep, hear my voice…This sermon is an exhortation and a word of encouragement for the Body of Christ to live and walk again by faith "...for without faith, it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him" (Heb 11:6).
Acts 8:1-4
North Korea ranks first place in its relentless, systematic persecution of Christians via its communist dictator Kim Jong Un. Worship of the ruling Kim family is mandatory for all, and those failing to comply are imprisoned, tortured or killed. Across the Muslim world in countries such as Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sudan, Syria, Iraq, Iran and Yemen; those daring to leave the ranks of Islam are martyred for their faith in Jesus Christ. The only thing that sets them apart from us in the West is mere location! Yet, we see in my own country of Great Britain, the storm clouds beginning to gather momentum and increased levels of persecution arising on the back of so called “British Values” and “Diversity”.
What is our response to be when persecution comes to our doorstep on account of our faith in Jesus Christ? Do we stay or do we go? Do we stand and remain or do we retreat and flee? This sermon seeks to bring a balanced and biblical answer to this question that will serve to help prepare the Body of Christ for the coming storm!
Matthew 6:19-34
When demanded of the Pharisees, “when the kingdom of God should come”, Jesus responded by saying: “The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! Or, lo there! For behold, the kingdom is within you” (Lk. 17:20-21). If indeed it be the case that the King of kings has come to establish His kingdom in the hearts of men and to take His seat upon the throne of our lives, what ought to be the response of the Christian? Well the words of our Lord come to mind: “Not my will, but thine be done”. Could it be that the root of the cause of so little growth in the lives of professing believers is that this very issue of the kingdom of God has not even been considered let alone embraced?
As a new year has dawned, this sermon is an exhortation and call for Christians to set in order, first things first for 2017. A divided heart given over to the riches and cares of this world, will always and forever be a stumbling block to the growth and expansion of the kingdom of God in the life of a Christian. At all costs a way must be cleared for the King to rule and reign!!
Ephesians 6:10-18
A war has been raging for some 2000 years. Not a single generation has been exempt and not a day has passed wherein the conflict has ceased. It is a battle in the heavenly realms, reaching down to earth; a spiritual war involving the blood bought children of God and the forces of demonic darkness. It is crucial in this critical hour, that the Saints of God have a biblical understanding of Spiritual Warfare and how they are to stand in the evil day.
The passage before us in this sermon, more than adequately furnishes a sound exposition of the topic of spiritual warfare and gives plain instruction on how the child of God is to stand in the midst thereof.
Genesis 3:1-7
There seems to be within some sectors of the Christian Church, two opposing views when it comes to spiritual warfare. On one extreme there exists those who deny that there is such a devil at work in the earth today and on the other, those who blame the devil for absolutely everything! Surely the Bible presents a middle ground, not overstating his power whilst at the same time not minimising his potential influence in the life of the believer.
Through the account given of the fall of man, this message seeks to shed light on the nature of Satan and his approach in seeking to ensnare the souls of men. This sermon is a sober warning and a caution to Christians not to spend too long in talk with the devil for one does so to the peril of his own soul!!
Luke 8:7
Never in the history of mankind have we ever been able to achieve more in in a single 24 hour day than we do in the age in which we live. What previous generations would have taken a week to accomplish, we can accomplish in mere hours. Yet, though man has much time free, he has no time free, for the time he would have free he fills with the pursuit of obtaining more. With the more come much anxiety!!
Anxiety is a foe of any man but in particular it is a foe of the Christian which if embraced will render one’s life unfruitful and barren! This sermon looks at the parable of the sower and in particular the application of the parable as it relates the peril of anxiety. A strong exhortation is given via a very practical message that we as Christians might break through in the area of faith and prayer to lay hold on the peace of God in the midst of the temptation to worry.