Luke 18:1-8
That men ought always to pray is instruction worthy of the utmost honour and regard. What air is to the human lungs and water to the gills of fish, so prayer is to the spiritual life of the Christian. A prayerless Christian is a dead Christian at worst and a carnal one at best, without prayer we’re not going very far!!
This sermon is not only an exhortation that men ought always to pray, but in continuing the verse “…and not faint”, an exhortation is given to preserve in prayer. Oh, dear Soul, unanswered prayer by no means is an indicator that God is not willing to answer prayer. The parable before us in this sermon is a firm declaration that this is not the case at all. Be of good courage and continue in prayer labouring in the same in earnest for it’s not over until it’s over!
Luke 22:31-32
We ought to be under no illusion as believers as to the sobering reality that we each have a common foe, an arch-enemy of our soul; one who hates us with a perfect hatred; one who in his very essence is the epitome of pure evil. When going out to war, it is the fool who proceeds into battle, ignorant of the enemy he’s facing. The wise man first studies his opponent and knows ahead of time his strategies of battle that he might prepare himself for victory!
In this sermon, you will learn of four chief ways in which Satan seeks to attack the believer in Christ. In each and every one of these modes of assaults, Satan is out to destroy one thing, our faith!! As believers, not only must be aware of his stratagems, but we must also know how to overcome in each attack. Behold…Satan the deceiver, Satan the accuser, Satan the tempter and Satan the persecutor. The one thing that he seeks most of all is the one thing by which we overcome. “…This is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.” (1 Jn. 5:4)
Hebrews 4:14-16
Consider with me the awesomeness of our Great High Priest, who has passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God! Oh! What confidence we have to draw nigh to Him in times of need. When the storm clouds gather overhead and light gives way to darkness, what comfort of joy to know that the Saviour is near. When at times it appears as though darkness has veiled His face from view, dear Brothers and Sisters, we must be firmly convinced and persuaded that hour, that our Great High Priest is for us still!! When darkness seems to veil His face, I rest in His unchanging grace; In every high and stormy gale, my anchor holds within the veil! Tell me dear soul, is this your testimony? Is this your experience? May the truth of God’s Word form the ground on which we stand; theology informing experience! May His divine attributes, be the very catalyst of our faith to draw nigh!“For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” (Heb. 4:15-16)
“For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” (Heb. 4:15-16)
1 Corinthians 10:1-14
There exists a single verse in that pages of Holy Writ that men ought always to have at the forefront of their minds. The proud man thinks that it could never apply to him and the naive pass over it without a thought, yet its truth remains fixed and constant for all men without exception and the innumerable testimonies of those who now lie in the gutters and the side walks cry out in one accord to take heed; ”Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall” (1 Cor. 12:10).
Dear Brethren, it is incumbent upon all who name the name of Christ to watch diligently over their souls with much prayer, for no Christian ever falls in a day! Rather, through neglect and pride, a man tells himself I’m alright and have no need to watch; through much business, a man takes his eye off the mark and begins to drift into danger. This sermon is a warning and an encouragement for believers to remain vigilant when it comes to watching over their souls in regards to sin. Failure to watch here has proven to be the downfall of many!
James 1:26
Man has concocted many tests by which to gauge his spirituality; self-made indicators by which he presumes to ascertain the height to which he has ascended in his religious service and devotion to God. Church attendance, financial giving, prayers and fasting, the study of God’s Word and the sharing of ones faith. Yet, admittedly, all these disciplines can be done out of a self-seeking heart of pride as a means to add notches to ones spiritual belt and to get one up over our neighbour. Brethren, there is one litmus test that is sure to never fail in giving an accurate reading of where we really are in our Christian experience; one member in our human body that is sure to give us away, that of the tongue!
This sermon is a challenge to the Christian to set guard over the words of their mouth. Gossip and slander, strife and division, lies and deception, ought not to be found in the life of a Christian. God is calling His body to a standard and the challenge is laid down by the Word of God!
Acts 4:13-22
Over the last three decades, we are witnessing at an unprecedented rate, the speed and rapidity at which the Judaeo-Christian foundations of the West are been ripped up before our very eyes. Those in the seat of power and governance who have the power to change and effect laws are passing laws that are forcing Christians to have choose between Christ and a law that is at odds with God’s. In the mid-19th century as the British Empire was moving towards its height, Queen Victoria was asked by an African prince, “What is the secret of England’s greatness and Britain’s glory?” Our Queen did not speak of the number of her fleet, nor the strength of her armies. She did not mention her abundance of merchandise, nor of her inexhaustible wealth. Instead, she handed the prince a beautifully bound copy of the Bible and said…”this is the secret of England’s greatness”. Sadly, this is no longer the case as righteousness has made way for ungodliness and iniquity of every filthy kind.
This sermon is a great encouragement to the Body of Christ who find themselves in such an hour as this. As the light rains are felt before the storm clouds break, so already, Christians in the Western world are beginning to experience their first taste of persecution in what will be an unleashing of Satan's wrath in the days and years ahead. Be of good cheer dear Brethren, God will give us the wisdom, power and boldness to be witnesses for Jesus Christ by the baptism of the Holy Spirit which He has promised. This is no time to cower, in that hour of testing, we must be found seeking the Lord in prayer!
Isaiah 40:25-31
Upon what are you basing your faith; upon what your hope and confidence? "The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away: But the word of the Lord endureth for ever..." (1 Pet 1:24-25). Oh! dearly beloved let the Word of God furnish for you a firm foundation upon which to stand, such that, when upon life's billows you are tempest tossed, you might have an anchor of grounding!! "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" (Heb 11:1).
This sermon is an exhortation to the weak and an admonition to the strong, to anchor ones confidence in the promises of a faithful God. "...they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." (Is. 40:31)
Philippians 2:1-11
Oh that the Body of Christ might lay firmly hold on the most blessed doctrine of regeneration!! “And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins” (Eph. 2:1). “...if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” (2 Cor. 5:17). Oh! the glories of this precious truth, what grace has become ours in Christ, what change has been wrought in our hearts the hour we first believed!!
In light of this great truth, the burden of responsibility is now placed on the Church of Jesus Christ to preserve and maintain, at all costs, the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace!! Most assuredly, in Christ, we have been brought into spiritual fellowship and unity with one another by selfsame Spirit of God that dwells in each of us. However, great caution is given in this sermon about allowing strife and envy to fester in our hearts which destroys the unity and injures the Church for which Christ died.
Ezekiel 34:11-12
All across the landscape of Christendom, lie the scattered wounded and the spiritually hurt. Apparently, some would have us believe that soldiers of Christ are not supposed to be counted among the wounded, but in all my observations, I find this not to be the case at all! On every side I see the casualties of this spiritual war…
This sermon is an encouragement to the spiritually wounded; the Good Shepherd well knows your wounds and hears your cries. Indeed, He cares for you more than you could ever know and will in due season restore you again to spiritual vigour. Hold fast dearly beloved, come aside and rest a while in Christ!!
John 10:27-30
There are rumours out there, grave misunderstandings even amongst the professing body of Christ which purport that God and Satan are on equal footing, on a level playing field. Apparently, so the story goes...the same power God has, the devil also has – God is omnipotent, the devil is omnipotent; God is omniscient, the devil is omniscient; God is omnipresent, the devil is omnipresent. The problem is, if you ask for supporting verses in the Bible to establish these rumours, none ever seem to materialise! Now I know that the majority of Christians would never profess to holding to such beliefs theologically, however, by the very way they live their lives in fear of the devil, they demonstrate that that is what they really believe deep down.
This sermon is a revaluation of so-called truth when it comes Satan’s role in the war against the Saints!! Why is it that believers run scurrying and hurrying from the battlefield in fear of the devil, when if his propaganda be exposed, we would be running into the battle? Oh may our fear and unbelief be buried and the Church of Jesus Christ arise again to its feet in faith!!