John 3:8
There exists a tragedy in our day…men are trying to do by natural means, that which only God can do by supernatural means! In today’s Christianity, numbers mean everything…Church buildings the size of large warehouses need to filled and thus the world’s methods of psychology and advertisement has come wholesale into the Church! Yet, Jesus said in speaking of the Holy Spirit, “…when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment” (Jn. 16:8).
This sermon is an exhortation and an encouragement to believers to hold fast to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, for it is the God ordained means by which the Holy Spirit convicts men of sin and brings them to salvation. In a day where it seems that those who hold fast to truth are the losers, we must not lose heart!! Indeed the Spirit of God is still at work in saving men in our day; the wind blows where it so chooses and in like manner the Spirit of God is moving here and there in the saving of souls. We must remain close to Jesus and He will lead us where to cast our nets!!
Bible Prophecy (Pt.3)
Enter the first century AD, Israel is dwelling again back in the land that God had promised to them nearly fifteen hundred years previously. Very soon after their return from captivity the second Temple was rebuilt; the cities that Nebuchadnezzar laid waste were once again inhabited including the capital city of Jerusalem. Upon their return however, Israel ceased to be a kingdom with a ruling monarchy and by the time of the first century A.D. were a significantly weakened nation governed by Roman rule. It was into this setting that Israel’s Messiah Jesus Christ was born. Towards the close of His life and ministry, Jesus made a series of chilling prophecies regarding the future state of His people Israel adding to and confirming the curses already gone before in Deuteronomy 28 and Leviticus 26. When Christ was preparing to go to the cross, His disciples came to Him enquiring about the Temple. The response that Jesus gave was prophetic in nature and would serve to shape the next 1900 years of Israel’s existence.
In this teaching we examine the prophecies of Jesus Christ concerning Jerusalem and the stunning fulfilment of His words in the siege and destruction of the temple in AD 70. What you will discover will shock, amaze you and further confirm the truth and reliability of the Holy Bible.
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Bible Prophecy (Pt.2)
When we hear the phrase, “Israel, the birth of a nation”; our minds quite naturally are cast back to just over 65 years ago to 1948, when the Jewish people against all possible odds, miraculously defied the systematic state sponsored genocide of Hitler to wipe them off the face the earth and became a united nation again back in the land of Israel after some nearly 2000 years of exile. However, the real birth of that nation began not in the 20th century AD, but rather some 4000 years ago in the 21nd century BC, when God called a heathen man by the name of Abraham out from his homeland in Babylon to journey to a new land that God was yet to reveal to him; that from him a nation from him might be born!
Perhaps one of the most fascinating themes relating to Bible prophecy is where it concerns this tiny nation; a strip of land around the same area size of Wales!! Yet, Israel’s past, present and future is miraculously contained within the pages of the Holy Bible!! In this teaching we seek to map Israel’s history retrospectively through the lens of the prophetic passages contained Deuteronomy chapter 28, which deals with the blessing and cursing of this nation.
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Bible Prophecy (Pt.1)
Without question, one of the foremost claims to the Bible being the Inspired Word of God is prophecy. A staggering 27% of the whole Bible is prophetic in nature!
“People are named before birth; kingdoms are outlined before their historical existence; battles are described before occurring, and personal destinies are delineated before the persons themselves are born…”
-Bernard M. Ramm, Protestant Christian Evidences
God goes down on record; it is written and if it does not come to pass then the Bible is relegated to being a false book and we certainly have no confidence putting our faith in it. In this first part of a teaching series looking at Bible prophecy, we introduce this fascinating subject and take a look at a prophecy given some 2700 years ago by a Hebrew prophet called Isaiah relating to a nation by the name of Israel and a heathen King by the name of Cyrus. What you will discover and are about to hear will literally take your breath away and is only one of the many hundreds of prophecies contained in the Holy Bible. Fasten your seat belts and be prepared to be amazed!!
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Matthew 18:21:35
Paul Williams is a Pastor at Temple Baptist Church, Wolverhampton. He delivers a very sobering and informative sermon looking at the consequences of failing to forgive others when offended. He asks three fundamental and heart searching questions: Why should we forgive; what are the consequences if we don't forgive; and how we should forgive? I trust that this sermon will both instruct and challenge you in this most crucial area of forgiveness. The bottom line is this…if our horizontal relationship is out of shape, so will be our vertical one also!!
Proverbs 24:30-34
There is not a day that goes by that we are not required to take our place on the battlefield! The flesh, the world and the devil are our avowed enemies, bent on our destruction!! All around, I see the multitudes of casualties scattered across the mountains, strewn across the hills.
An urgent and pressing call sounds forth in this sermon, exhorting the Church of Jesus Christ to fight!! Oh! How so many are tiring, turning aside to take their ease, a little sleep, a little slumber; tiring in the fight. Dear soul, this is no time to be idle, no time to be passive; no longer is it acceptable to say everything will be okay!! We are in a war!! Fight we must; battle we shall…to your station soldier of Christ and take your place in the battle for victory!!
Session 4 of 4
In this final part, Roger comprehensively and very competently demonstrates that the Emergent Church through its many spiritual disciplines and exercises that are rooted in Roman Catholic mysticism are not only taking many misled Christians back to Rome but are in fact preparing people for the final end-times spiritual deception in preparation for the coming Antichrist. The road to Rome is ultimately the road to Babylon!!
This message is part of The Sanctuary Conference 2015. For information about future conferences please visit:
For more messages and teachings by Roger Oakland, visit:
Session 3 of 4
In this third part, Roger comprehensively and very competently demonstrates the dangers of the Emergent Church, which claims to be emerging in these last days to meet the needs of a post-modern generation. Rather than focussing on narrow doctrine, this new movement focusses instead on experience; but the many spiritual disciplines and exercises that it promotes and practises are rooted in Roman Catholic mysticism and are taking many that are being misled back to Rome!!
This message is part of The Sanctuary Conference 2015. For information about future conferences please visit:
For more messages and teachings by Roger Oakland, visit:
Session 2 of 4
In this second part, Roger comprehensively and very competently demonstrates that what many within the Evangelical Church are calling the Holy Spirit is in fact not the Holy Spirit of the Bible but another Spirit that is leading people back to the Roman Catholic Church. You will be informed, warned and equipped during the course of this teaching so as not to be deceived. We are exhorted in John’s first epistle to test the spirits and failure to do so this last hour is the reason why so many are accepting anything and everything to their own soul’s peril!!
This message is part of The Sanctuary Conference 2015. For information about future conferences please visit:
For more messages and teachings by Roger Oakland, visit:
Session 1 of 4
In this first part, Roger comprehensively and very competently demonstrates that the Roman Catholic Jesus is in fact not the Jesus of the Bible but another Jesus, namely the Eucharistic Jesus. You will be informed, warned and equipped during the course of this teaching so as not to be deceived. The New Evangelisation program of the Roman Catholic Church is a program that leads one not to the Jesus of the Bible but to instead to Rome!!
This message is part of The Sanctuary Conference 2015. For information about future conferences please visit:
For more messages and teachings by Roger Oakland, visit: